Search Research Catalogue

Older Adults Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
This literature review explores research on the characteristics and unique needs of older adults experiencing homelessness and highlights potential interventions and strategies for addressing those needs, including permanent supportive housing.

Changes in Self-Rated Physical Health After Moving Into Permanent Supportive Housing
American Journal of Health Promotion
Year: 2019
Everyday discrimination among formerly homeless persons in permanent supportive housing
Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless
Year: 2019
Shared Housing: Challenges, Best Practices and Outcomes
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
Shared housing is one strategy deployed to maximize existing housing resources and provide options for those experiencing housing insecurity. The specifications of the shared housing model often vary from site to site but generally involve tenants sharing common spaces such … Continue reading
Family Options Study: Findings, Policy Lessons, Next Steps
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
The Department of Housing and Urban Development launched the Family Options Study in 2008 to determine the effectiveness of policy interventions that assist families experiencing homelessness. This brief highlights the findings, applies policy lessons to LA County’s Homeless Initiative (HI), … Continue reading
Do HIV risk and prevention behaviors change over time among adults in permanent supportive housing?
Year: 2019
Persons experiencing homelessness have a disproportionate burden of HIV infection and high rates of HIV risk behavior. Permanent supportive housing (PSH) has been identified as a primary solution to homelessness, but little is known about HIV sexual risk behavior among … Continue reading
Outcomes in Single-Site and Scattered-Site Permanent Supportive Housing
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
In 2016, the City of Los Angeles developed a comprehensive strategy for homelessness with the goal of developing 10,000 permanent supportive housing (PSH) units over the next ten years (1,000 per year) using Proposition HHH funding. Given the context of … Continue reading
Stemming the Rise of Latino Homelessness: Lessons from Los Angeles County
Latino Policy & Politics Initiative
Year: 2019
Homelessness is a national concern and for many municipalities a local crisis. Los Angeles County has the largest number of unsheltered homeless individuals of any jurisdiction in the nation. In 2017, there were an estimated 55,048 individuals experiencing homelessness in … Continue reading
Public exposure and attitudes about homelessness
Journal of Community Psychology
Year: 2019
In this study, we conducted a survey among a large sample of U.S. adults to assess attitudes and beliefs about the causes of homelessness, policies to address homelessness, and programs for homeless individuals. In 2016, we surveyed a national sample … Continue reading
National Utilization Patterns of Veterans Affairs Homelessness Programs in the Era of Housing First
Psychiatric Services
Year: 2019
Although Housing First is the primary service model for housing chronically homeless adults, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) serves a heterogeneous population of homeless veterans and operates a continuum of models. This study examined longitudinally how various VA homelessness … Continue reading