Search Research Catalogue

Counting the Homeless: Improving Knowledge of the Unsheltered Homeless Population
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
This white paper reviews the limitations of current PIT counts, introduces the multiple-list method that combines PIT and HMIS data, briefly reviews possible extensions of these methods to provide communities with more frequent estimates of the dynamics of their homeless … Continue reading
Homeless Outreach: the Los Angeles County Context
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
This literature review examines research on the effectiveness and impact of outreach programs, different strategies for successful outreach, and Los Angeles County’s specific approach to coordinated homeless outreach efforts.
Catalyzing Collaborative Research to End Homelessness Through a Collective Impact Framework
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
The Homelessness Policy Research Institute (HPRI) is a partnership between the USC Price Center for Social Innovation and the United Way of Greater Los Angeles’ Home For Good initiative, whose purpose is to convene researchers and policymakers to help design … Continue reading
Understanding Homeless Service Providers’ Capacity Needs in Los Angeles
Abt Associates
Year: 2019
Homeless service providers across Los Angeles implement the majority of programs that compose the homeless service system, including conducting street outreach, administering client assessments, managing access centers, operating shelter and housing programs, and providing supportive services. With the infusion of … Continue reading
Health Conditions Among Unsheltered Adults in the U.S.
California Policy Lab
Year: 2019
Little is known about the vulnerabilities and past experiences of unsheltered individuals or how they differ from individuals in shelters. This study adds to our understanding by analyzing new data from a survey (VI-SPDAT) given to homeless individuals across the … Continue reading
Accelerating Permanent Supportive Housing in Los Angeles
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
Permanent supportive housing (PSH) has emerged as a cost effective and impactful housing intervention for people experiencing chronic homelessness, which the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) defines as an individual with a substance use disorder and/or … Continue reading
Trauma-Informed Care & Homelessness
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
This literature review discusses how trauma may affect people experiencing homelessness, the effects of traumatic stress, well-established interventions, and examples of how trauma-informed care can be adopted by homelessness service providers.
Intimate Partner Violence Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
According to the 2018 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, 34% of 18-24 year old youth experiencing homelessness in the region reported having been victimized by some type of intimate partner violence. This literature review provides details on the impact and … Continue reading
Mental Health Among Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
Data from the homeless count shows that approximately one in five youth experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles reported having a serious mental illness, and evidence from a range of studies suggests even higher prevalence of mental health challenges among youth … Continue reading
LGBTQ Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Homelessness Policy Research Institute
Year: 2019
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer (LGBTQ) youth are overrepresented in the population experiencing homelessness in the United States. This literature review documents current research about the scope, underlying causes, and unique characteristics of LGBTQ youth homelessness in Los Angeles.