Increasing rent prices have left many families struggling to make ends meet, fearing homelessness or displacement.

Housing Instability
Housing stability is one of the most critical policy issues of our time, and traditional policy levers have failed to catalyze the change needed to provide safe, affordable housing for all populations. The Price Center conducts a wide range of research to improve housing stability through a community-driven process of piloting and testing new practices, bringing them to scale, and ultimately diffusing those practices into systems change.

The Pervasive Impacts of Rent Burden in City Heights
USC Price Center for Social Innovation
Year: 2019
Increasing rent prices have left many families struggling to make ends meet, fearing homelessness or displacement. City Heights, like many other neighborhoods in Southern California, faces a critical moment to address this important issue. To understand how residents are coping … Continue reading
New Brief: Employer Hiring Incentives for Justice-Involved Individuals
Year: 2019
This document provides an overview of a selection of resources available to employers when hiring justice-involved individuals. These incentives align with the California Fair Chance Act (Assembly Bill No. 1008) which prohibits most California’s employers from asking about an applicant’s … Continue reading
Empowering the New Mobility Workforce: Educating, Training, and Inspiring Future Transportation Professionals
Year: 2019
Empowering the New Mobility Workforce: Educating, Training, and Inspiring Future Transportation Professionals enlists a multidisciplinary roster of subject matter experts who identify the priorities and strategies for cultivating a skilled workforce for the rapidly changing transportation landscape. Transportation employers will … Continue reading
The Difference Between Citizen Control and Co-Production
USC Sol Price Center for Social Innovation
Year: 2019
Read the One-Pager on the difference between Citizen Control and Co-Production.
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US
Year: 2018
Pay for Success is an approach to contracting that ties payment for service delivery to the achievement of measurable outcomes. Private investors provide upfront financing for a social service and are repaid with a return on investment by a back-end … Continue reading