Increasing rent prices have left many families struggling to make ends meet, fearing homelessness or displacement.

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The USC Price Center for Social Innovation brings an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to social innovation research. Through relevant, rigorous research, Price Center faculty explore a variety of topics that seek to inform and advance new models of equity and opportunity for low-income children and families.
Do Farmers’ Markets Increase the Availability of Healthy Foods in Underserved Communities? Assessing the nutritional environment at 19 markets in Los Angeles
Journal of American Planning Association
Year: 2016
Farmers’ markets provide one option for remedying the startling decline in fresh vegetable and fruit consumption in the United States, particularly in low-income, non-White neighborhoods where opportunities to access these components of a healthy diet are often limited. We lack … Continue reading
A Step Toward a Healthier South Los Angeles: Improving Student Food Options through Healthy Street Vendor Legalization
Year: 2016
Obesity, especially among children and adolescents, is a critical issue that marginalized urban communities nationwide confront. This article reports on the results of a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) conducted regarding the reconsideration of a ban on sidewalk food vending in … Continue reading
A Systems Theory Approach to Innovation Implementation: Why Organizational Location Matters
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Year: 2016
In this study, we evaluate the “success” of adopted innovations in public organizations as a function of the relative source of innovation vis-à-vis the organizational environment. We argue that the source of the innovation will be varyingly associated with subsequent … Continue reading
Credit for Low-Income Students and Access to Higher Education in Colombia: A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Work Development
Year: 2016
This study evaluates the impact of a national-level subsidized loan program, ACCES (Access with Quality to Higher Education), on a number of higher education outcomes (i.e., increase in enrollment rates, decrease in dropout rates, and increase in academic performance) of … Continue reading
Innovation and a Return to the Status Quo: A Mixed-Methods Study of School Reconstitution
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis
Year: 2016
School reconstitution, a turnaround strategy that prescribes massive staffing turnover, is expected to result in more committed and capable school staff and innovative practices. However, little evidence supports this assumption. We use quasi-experimental designs to assess the impact of reconstitution … Continue reading