Increasing rent prices have left many families struggling to make ends meet, fearing homelessness or displacement.

All Research Topics
The USC Price Center for Social Innovation brings an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to social innovation research. Through relevant, rigorous research, Price Center faculty explore a variety of topics that seek to inform and advance new models of equity and opportunity for low-income children and families.
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-based payment systems in the UK and US
Year: 2018
Pay for Success is an approach to contracting that ties payment for service delivery to the achievement of measurable outcomes. Private investors provide upfront financing for a social service and are repaid with a return on investment by a back-end … Continue reading
Do hybrid firms out-provide traditional business structures? An examination of prosocial behavior in North Carolina firms
USC Price Center for Social Innovation
Year: 2018
Hybrid organizations are organizations that employ a for-profit model with a social mission. In recent years, there has been a push to create formal legal designations that protect the organization’s social mission while allowing it to access investment capital and … Continue reading
Pay For Success
Year: 2018
A concise introduction to the “pay for success” model with resource links for additional study.
What Is Collective Impact
Year: 2018
A concise introduction to the concept of “collective impact” with two examples of significant initiatives in Los Angeles.
Morongo Basin Community Health Needs Assessment
Year: 2017
The USC Price Center for Social Innovation collaborated with the Morongo Basin Healthcare District to produce a community health needs assessment for the Morongo Basin. Read the full report here.