Increasing rent prices have left many families struggling to make ends meet, fearing homelessness or displacement.

All Research Topics
The USC Price Center for Social Innovation brings an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to social innovation research. Through relevant, rigorous research, Price Center faculty explore a variety of topics that seek to inform and advance new models of equity and opportunity for low-income children and families.
Cross-Sectoral Governance and Performance in Service Delivery
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Year: 2009
This paper considers the determinants of effective cross-sectoral partnerships for the delivery of publicly funded services. A multivariate model of the influence on service delivery effectiveness of the inter-organizational governance arrangements, the nature of interdependencies in service delivery, the intensity … Continue reading
Are Measured School Effects Just Sorting? Causality and Correlation in the National Education Longitudinal Survey
Economic of Education Review
Year: 2008
Youth who share a school and neighborhood often show similar levels of academic achievement, but some studies find all or most of this correlation is due to sorting (not causation). We analyze the National Education Longitudinal Survey (NELS) in three … Continue reading
Mobility, Residential Location and the American Dream
Real Estate Economics
Year: 2008
This article applies data from Washington, DC, Chicago and Los Angeles to estimate three-level nested multinomial logit models of household mobility, resi- dential location and homeownership tenure choice. Model simulation indicates that shocks to income can significantly elevate the homeownership … Continue reading
Immigrants and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis: Employment Outcomes among Immigrant Youth in Los Angeles
Urban Studies
Year: 2007
This paper examines the effect of space and race/ethnicity on labour force participation outcomes among minority and immigrant youth in the Los Angeles metropolitan areas. This research contributes to the spatial mismatch literature by analysing the differences between firstand second-generation … Continue reading