Increasing rent prices have left many families struggling to make ends meet, fearing homelessness or displacement.

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The USC Price Center for Social Innovation brings an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral approach to social innovation research. Through relevant, rigorous research, Price Center faculty explore a variety of topics that seek to inform and advance new models of equity and opportunity for low-income children and families.
Jobs/housing balance and employer-based travel demand management program returns to scale: Evidence from Los Angeles
Transport Policy
Year: 2012
Research on environmental justice and social inclusion suggests that high-income wage earners may have better job access due to their greater choices in both housing and transportation markets. This study compares the jobs/housing balance and mode choice of different groups … Continue reading
Deliberation, Consensus, and Stakeholder Satisfaction: A Simulation of Collaborative Governance
Public Management Review
Year: 2012
The purpose of this study is to contribute to development of collaborative governance theory by investigating whether and under what conditions a deliberative, consensus-oriented decision process among diverse stakeholders with conflicting interests can lead to decisions that are satisfactory to … Continue reading
Developing networks for community change: Exploring the utility of network analysis
Journal of Community Development Society
Year: 2012
This article demonstrates how network analysis can be used to develop a better understanding of a community-based network and steps that might be taken to facilitate network development. The focal network in this study was organized by a local non-profit … Continue reading
Trust in a Cross-sectoral Interorganizational Network: An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Year: 2012
This study explores the antecedents to trust among the participants in a cross-sectoral interorganizational network. We offer hypotheses for nine potential antecedents of trust divided into three categories: attributes of the trustor, of the trustee, and of their relationship. We … Continue reading
Developing networks for community change: Exploring the utility of network analysis
Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society
Year: 2012
This article demonstrates how network analysis can be used to develop a better understanding of a community-based network and steps that might be taken to facilitate network development. The focal network in this study was organized by a local non-profit … Continue reading