Lunchtime Seminar Series, Sara Goldrick-Rab

Topic: Paying the Price: College Costs and the Betrayal of the American Dream

Description: There is a new economics of college in America. Millions of people enroll in higher education with plans to work, borrow, and conserve, only to find that their funds still fall short of today’s high college prices. How has this changed what it means to attend college? How do students make ends meet while pursuing degrees, and how can we make it easier for them to succeed? In this talk, Dr. Goldrick-Rab will discuss a six-year-long multi-method experimental study that sought to find out.

Bio: Sara Goldrick-Rab is a Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Founding Director of the Wisconsin HOPE Lab. In 2014 she received the Early Career Award from the American Educational Research Association for her work examining the efficacy and distributional implications of financial aid policies, welfare reform, transfer practices, and a range of interventions aimed at increasing college attainment among marginalized populations. She provides extensive service to local, state, and national communities, working directly with governors and state legislators to craft policies to make college more affordable, collaborating with non-profit organizations seeking to examine the effects of their practices, and providing technical assistance to Congressional staff, think tanks, and membership organizations throughout Washington, DC.

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