Events at the Price Center for Social Innovation

Social Innovation Speaker Series: Rucker Johnson

Rucker C. Johnson is the Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy in the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and faculty research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Criminal Justice Initiative: Beyond Crime Data

A panel discussion and community forum as part of the new NDSC Criminal Justice Data Initiative.

Unhoused: Homelessness in California

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Latest Past Events

NDSC Community Training

We are excited to host community training workshops for the Neighborhood Data for Social Change platform. Participants will learn to access data for specific neighborhoods and cities within Los Angeles County, learn more about the data and understand why specific … Continue reading

#askNDSC Twitter Office Hours

  The Neighborhood Data for Social Change team hosts monthly "office hours" on Twitter to answer your questions about the NDSC platform. Please join us to follow the conversation and to ask your own questions! Between 1:00-2:00pm PT, send your … Continue reading

17th Annual Mayoral Housing, Transportation and Jobs Summit

UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center 425 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles

Confirmed Speakers: The Honorable Xavier Becerra, Attorney General, State of California The Honorable Scott Wiener, Senator, State of California The Honorable David Chiu, Assemblymember, State of California The Honorable Laura Friedman, Assemblymember, State of California Brian C. Annis, Secretary, California … Continue reading

$175 – $375